
Questions 16-30

About this post This is a post that answers Q.16-Q.30 16. Is there any countries that lowered their age of consent? The first country to start the age of consent law was England in 1275 named sector law. The starting age was 12 at that time.  Then, later on most of the country started their age of consent from the age of 10 or 12 in the 1800s. And ever since then the age of consent hasn't been lowered. 17. Is there any additional rules for same sex? In 1967, the age of consent for same sex was from 21 in England even though, for the opposite sex it was 16. 3 Gay man has fought for this and in 1994 the age has been lowered to 18. But since this was unfair to the same sex so in 2001, age age of consent was lowered to 16 which was the same age as the opposite sex. 18. What are the reasons why the government doesn’t raise the age of consent? There are multiple reasons as to why the government doesn’t raise the age of consent because every country is currently confused as to what age

Questions 1-15

■About the Post This post is the answer to Question 1-15 of the post, " 30 Questions We Are Planning to Answer ."  There will be a APA style reference to all the information that was used to create this post at the bottom of the page with hyperlinks as well. 1. What is the average age of consent?           Age of consent varies from 12 to 21 years old around the world, and the average age of consent is 16 years old. 2. Does Japan have the lowest age of consent?      It is commonly believed that Nigeria has the lowest age of consent at 11 in all 195 countries, but in reality Angola currently has the lowest age of consent at 12 formerly along with Philippine.  Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte signed a bill in March 2022 that changed their age of consent to 16. 3. Which country has the highest age of consent?     Bahrain, which is a country located in the coast of Saudi Arabia and beside Qatar and Cameroon which is located beside Nigeria has the age of consent of 21-yea

Reflection of the July 21st Presentation

■Review on Our Presentation       On July 21st we conducted our presentation on our NGO "Over18." Overall it was a successful presentation with average of 4/5 in all criteria that we were analyzed and judged upon. However, that does not mean that we were void of any points that may needed reflection and review. For example few of the fellow student pointed out that our plans to keep our self running somewhat ineffective in a way that we may not have enough funding from donation and newsletter and subscription service. From that assessment one can firmly state that adding options for fundraising event may be something that we can possibly consider.

First Person Perspective of Age of Consent [Child & Foreigner's]

◆First Person Perspective of Age of Consent [ Part C + D ]      In this blog I will be representing the point of view of the child who was victimized and those who are outside of Japan. C: The Child  I am a 13 year old girl who was forced to have an sexual act with a 35 year old man that I met at an online dating app. I told my parents about it and he got arrested. He admitted to committing the act but he tried to defend himself by saying that he thought I’m not a minor. And since I have to talk to the police about the details, I have to talk about every detail about the incident. This is all because of the Japanese Government because if they haven’t set the age of consent to this low, I wouldn’t need to talk about the details about this and he would’ve gotten arrested without any reason to be proven innocent.  After this, I discovered “Your Voice Matters” made by a group of university students who wanted to raise the age of consent from 13 to 16. I was so happy that the signatures wer

Age of Conent Survey Result

The following images are result from our survey conducted on At the time of the creation of this blog there were 83 respondents from various country such as Japan, U.S., Australia, and even Slovakia.

First Person Perspective of Age of Consent [Japanese Government & Those Who Support the Current Age of Consent]

◆First Person Perspective of Age of Consent [ Part A + B ]      In this blog I will be representing the point of view of the Japanese Government and those who are in support of the current age of consent in Japan.  A: Japanese Government     As the Japanese Government we have faced many criticism regarding our low age of consent when compared to other first world countries, which can somewhat be attributed to the fact that our law regarding the age of consent has not been changed since 1907, which was during the Meiji Period.     Our law regarding age of consent states that, ●Indecency through Compulsion Article 176 A person who forcibly commits an indecent act through assault or intimidation upon another person of not less than thirteen years of age is punished by imprisonment for not less than 6 months but not more than 10 years. The same applies to a person who commits an indecent act upon another person under thirteen years of age. ●Forcible Sexual Intercourse Article 177 A person

Example of Good / Bad Website Regarding Age of Consent

■Example of Good Source Material Factual material such as these websites can be used as a source material in most cases, however that does not mean one should take their information at face value.,_A-Ar,_Age_of_Consent-3 Although it is Wikipedia, it contains many historical information regarding the age of consent which can be a decent entry to this topic and one can research further into it. ■Example of Bad Source Material Anything on Quora or opinion based website where no source is given. (i.e. Yahoo Answers, Quora, Reddit, Twitter.) They can be used if they actually cite their sources, however at that point one should be using the original cited material rather than the thing that is citing said evidence. Another example of bad source material is opinion piece o