Age of Conent Survey Result

The following images are result from our survey conducted on

At the time of the creation of this blog there were 83 respondents from various country such as Japan, U.S., Australia, and even Slovakia.


  1. I liked how you inserted images for us to see the results. Since I was only able to get 19 respondents, I was very shocked to find that you had 83 respondents with a variety of age groups and nationalities. Until now, I did not know that the age of consent in Japan was 13 years old, so this survey was great in a way that I not only was informed but also, given the opportunity to think about the age of consent and life in general. I feel that the age of 16 is low and should be at least 17 or 18 because when I was 16, I was not responsible. I acted like I was an adult, but I was not. So, this topic is very interesting.

  2. I really like how you presented the results. Very clear and easy to look at/ understand. I don't know how you managed to get so many responses from people all around the world, but it was interesting to see what they thought about what they think is the appropriate age of consent is, since each country has their own different rules/laws. Some really good points were made too, and i really appreciate how i think most people who took the survey agreed that 13 was way too low for the age of consent age. I thought the you asked the right questions. Good survey!

  3. As UI and Dan mentioned, the way you presented the results by inserting JPEGs from SurveyMonkey is clear and effective. However, your interpretation of the results is missing from this blog entry. The key point in this task was to put the results into perspective and give your personal interpretations of them. That would make it possible for you to create an NGO _informed_ by those results.


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