30 Questions We Are Planning To Answer

■Reason Behind These Questions

The following question have been created by Tadataka and tweaked by Shohta to help the viewer of this blog gain further understanding of Age of Consent and its surrounding political climate in Japan and other countries.

30 Questions We Are Planning To Answer

1. What is the average age of consent?
2. Does Japan have the lowest age of consent?
3. Which country has the highest age of consent?
4. What is the “Romeo and Juliet” law?
5. When did Japan make their age of consent to 13?
6. How many % of the sexual violence was not reported in Japan? 
7. Is Japan's low age of consent well known around the world?
8. Why does the world hate the idea of lowering the age of consent?
9. Which country has changed their law regarding age of consent recently?
10. Why is the age of consent something that can be easily changed?
11. Why is the average age of consent 16?
12. Should age of consent in Japan be higher? Should it be lower?
13. Is there an inequality of man and woman in terms of age of consent?
14. What are the reasons for countries that increased their age of consent recently?
15. What are the reasons to lower the age of consent if it is going to happen?
16. Is there any countries that lowered their age of consent?
17. Is there any additional rules for same sex?
18. What are the reasons why the government doesn’t raise the age of consent?
19. What do the Japanese populous think about the current age of consent?
20. Do Japanese people think that the age of consent should be raised?
21. What are some reason to countries having low age of consent?
22. Is there any cases where the age of consent law has brought some unfair justice?
23. What are the Japanese Governments view on the current age of consent?
24. Is there any huge NGO/NPOs that are trying to increase/decrease the age of consent?
25. Why would people want to lower the age of consent?
26. What countries have never changed the age of consent in their history?
27. Does states in U.S. have separate age of consent? If so why?
28. Does Japanese prefectures have different age of consent depending on the prefecture?
29. If Japan is going to change their age of consent what would it be?
30. Has the Japanese government disagreed on raising the age of consent?


  1. I think that number 18 is something that I would like to see a passage dedicated to.

  2. I don't know a lot about the age of consent in Japan so as we discussed in the classroom, question 18 is very important. Also, comparing with other countries is a good idea so question 27 is interesting.

  3. I am interested in question number 10 because I think it shouldn't be changed easily.


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